Remote medical interpretation services are increasingly the method of choice by healthcare organizations as a result of social distancing mandated by the global coronavirus pandemic. Translations.Health offers a full suite of remote, virtual medical interpreting options so our clients can obtain professional multilingual support 24/7 over the phone or via video calls. Clients simply sign up to create an account with our subscription based healthcare interpreting services and specify the target languages they need support with. Our project team will assign a dedicated team of professional medical interpreters in the specified languages to the account called “myInterpreter” to provide on-demand interpretation. Next, the client will receive a phone number so they can distribute among their organization’s medical staff members requiring medical interpreting from time to time. When the staff members dial the number, they will hear a prompt, instructing them to press 1 for Spanish, 2 for Chinese and so on. Our system will automatically keeps track of the call duration for billing/invoicing purposes. Clients can also use their online dashboard to review language interpretation project reports at any time. In addition to over-the-phone interpretation, Translatins.Health also provide video-based medical interpretation services using video call such as Zoom, WebEx, or our mobile app.